What is the importance of IELTS Exam?

What is the importance of IELTS Exam?

IELTS is one of the most trusted English language tests across the globe with more than 10,000 organizations recognizing it internationally. The IELTS certification is recognized by the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Europe and 140 more countries across the globe. The certification is accepted by academic institutions, companies, professional bodies and government organizations. The test is considered the standard for English language testing and their certification is recognized for both academic and immigration purposes. This test assesses the English language skills of a candidate by testing their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Tests are available throughout the year in more than 1600 centers in over 140 countries.

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IELTS - More information

IELTS - International English Language Testing System

IELTS score is internationally recognized as an English Language proficiency requirement for higher education, in almost all countries including the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The highest possible band score is 9.0; most universities accept a score of 6.0 for undergraduate admission and 6.0-7.0 for graduate admission. There are two versions of the IELTS test.

Academic Module

IELTS Academic module test assesses whether you have adequate English Language proficiency to take a degree course or professional training. Students seeking entry to a university or an institution of higher education need to take Academic Module.

General Training Module

General Training module is designed for students seeking entry to a secondary school or to short course/vocational training courses or for individuals seeking immigration.

Test pattern

Part 1: Listening (4 sections; 30 minutes)

Part 2: Reading (3 passages; 60 minutes)

Part 3: Writing (2 tasks; 60 minutes)

Part 4: Speaking (Interview; 10-15 minutes)



Here are a few differences between IELTS and TOEFL you must know before you take the examination:

IELTS VS. TOEFL - Which is easier?

Most candidates have often felt that the preparation for TOEFL was harder than the IELTS exam preparation.

TOEFL VS. IELTS - Which is widely accepted?

The IELTS certification is widely recognized in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, while TOEFL is popular in the US and Canada.

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